25.02.2019. u 22:24 | Editirano: 25.02.2019. u 22:30 | Komentari: 8 | Dodaj komentar
07.02.2019. u 21:19 | Editirano: 07.02.2019. u 21:26 | Komentari: 9 | Dodaj komentar
03.02.2019. u 5:05 | Editirano: 03.02.2019. u 5:24 | Komentari: 12 | Dodaj komentar
micek... jedan sramežljivi :)
22.01.2019. u 6:46 | Editirano: 22.01.2019. u 6:47 | Komentari: 9 | Dodaj komentar
vortex... božanski kreator kojem se teži... vrtlog koji uvlači sve poput crne rupe ili priča za pomamljive koji poistovjećuju novac i sreću..
cp sa "urban dictionary" :
"any situation that is or can be messy, disasterous or dangerous."
"An infinite abyss of space where time stops all together. Can be compared to a black hole, any and everything in close proximity gets sucked in and can never come back out. "
"The best commercialized gravity bong on the market."
"the ideal zone where maximum laziness, comfortableness, and funniness is achieved without the use of alcohol, hallucinagenic drugs, or any other substance. "
"the euphoria state one reaches after having smoked a certain amount of marijuana, while listening to Bob Marley"
"when you're in a car (really drunk/high), you close your eyes, blast really awful music, and stick your arms out like you're flying through space."
09.01.2019. u 8:34 | Komentari: 7 | Dodaj komentar