There were three gods that were trying to decide where to hide the greatest power in the universe,where man would not be able to find it, and use it destructively.
The first god said, "I know where to hide it, let's hide the greatest power of the universe on top of the highest mountain, man will never think to look for it there".
But it was decided that some day man, might climb the highest mountain, and discover this power.
The second god said, "Let's hide the greatest power of the universe at the bottom of the sea".
Again it was agreed that someday man might explore the bottom of the sea, and thus discover the greatest power of the universe.
Finally the third god said, "I know, let's hide the greatest power of the universe in the mind of man, they will never think to look for it there".
So, the three gods hid the greatest power of the universe in the mind of man.
26.09.2007. u 17:36 | Prijavi nepoćudni blog | Dodaj komentar
joj kako jeto meni dobro a tek daznam engleski hihihihihihihihi
Autor: YourWildDream | 26.09.2007. u 17:37 | opcije
ne moraš znati engleski, poruka je ista, na svim jezicima
Autor: Lestat777 | 26.09.2007. u 17:44 | opcije
sprachen sie deutch?
Autor: Courtney_Love | 26.09.2007. u 19:49 | opcije
dobro :)
Autor: red4 | 28.09.2007. u 11:58 | opcije
Što misliš, da li je previše ili premalo onih koji su te snage svjesni i znaju je upotrijebiti?
Autor: Athame | 08.10.2007. u 17:41 | opcije