pegla me korizma...
I believe in the burn of scotch
Swimming down my throat.
I believe in the conversations of a beer
Like in losing balance.
I believe in drinking buddies that won’t leave
Like in oblivious threesomes.
I believe in saying the alphabet backwards
Without making any mistakes.
I believe in twin bartenders
And in the comforting music of ice cubes
Like in the absurd volume of my voice.
I believe in ghosts made of smoke
Like in their eloquent laughter.
I believe in my clothes that fall stained with my dignity
Like in smothering between blankets and shots of bourbon.
I believe in forgetting names and faces
And in the fake kindness of strangers.
I believe in nights that never come back
And mornings that stay forever.
03.03.2010. u 17:24 | Prijavi nepoćudni blog | Dodaj komentar
Seronja, idi na neki engleski blog, marš!
Autor: politikant | 03.03.2010. u 17:25 | opcije
čuj ti, jezično izazvani, šetaj
Autor: bole_trpanja | 03.03.2010. u 17:28 | opcije