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K) God sees the person you can become, the potential inside just waiting to be discovered. He sees the strength within you when you claim to be weak, the beauty your eyes fail to see. He sees the assertiveness you keep hidden in your inner most being. He sees how valuable and precious you are because He paid the price. In His eyes you are perfectly and wonderfully made because He himself hand crafted you with the utmost care. He sees in you what you can't see in yourself.
She gave this name to the LORD who spoke to her: "You are the God who sees me," for she said, "I have now seen the One who sees me." (Genesis 16:13)
20.01.2013. u 5:20 | Editirano: 20.01.2013. u 5:56 | Prijavi nepoćudni blog | Dodaj komentar
a njeno ime je bilo Hagara :-)
Autor: lutak_na_napuhavanje | 20.01.2013. u 5:44 | opcije
Autor: Korizma | 20.01.2013. u 5:50 | opcije
Autor: Korizma | 20.01.2013. u 5:54 | opcije
Autor: Korizma | 20.01.2013. u 5:55 | opcije
Rukom je zakrila cice , tak da nemogu dati objektivan odgovor. Nadam se da i gospod ima iste sklonosti prema umjetničkoj fotografiji , inače mi ne gine vječnji oganj !
Autor: krize | 20.01.2013. u 5:55 | opcije
evo ja čem metnit jednoga komentara, izvoliš :)
Autor: Philippe_de_Mala | 20.01.2013. u 8:15 | opcije
Autor: Philippe_de_Mala | 20.01.2013. u 8:32 | opcije
korizma, lipo te opet tu vidit :)))
dobro ti jutro...
(doduše, neda mi se sad ovo prevodit...)
Autor: malamaza7 | 20.01.2013. u 9:09 | opcije