sinoć sam na dvije različite adrese i različitim povodom poslala poruke (mail i sms) gornjeg sadržaja! obožavam to kako mi mozak u određenom trenutku (a priori a ne post festum) pronađe u svojoj sivoj kori baš ono kaj mi treba! ponekad ostanem zadivljena time...jer to je jedina svrha i razlog pabirčenja svega i svačega u životu. i previše znanja svega što je nepotrebno i neprofitno! čovjek obično cijeni to što zna ovisno o tome što mu to donosi u materijalnoj (ili nekoj drugoj) zadovoljštini. pa tako je moja sve manje neg materijalna. pače, ovaj refren jedne jako stare pjesme trebala bih ponoviti nekoliko puta...glede posla...države...ljudi...djece...roditelja. no tada mi nit aktualni saborski sat ne bi bio dovoljan. sve lakše i sve više mogu biti...bič! a nisam atila. a nisam nitit ta. još uvijek me košta no učim svakim danom sve više. dojadilo mi odlazit na mai radi pisanja blogova....pa ga pišem tu. iako su sve riječi suvišne...ostavit ću pjesmuljak od manfred mana i tekst...riječi su nenadjebivo dobre! tko bi reko?
manfred mann: ha ha said the clown

Ha ha said the clown
as the king lost the crown
he's the knight being tight on romance
ha ha said the clown
is it bringing you down
that you've lost your chance

Feeling low got to go
see a show in town
hear the jokes have a smoke
and a laugh at the clown
in a whirl see a girl
with a smile in her eyes
never thought I'd be brought
right down by her lies

In a trance watch her dance
to the beat of the drums
faster now sweating brow
and all my fingers are thumbs
wonder why I hit the sky
when she blows me a kiss
in a while run a mile
I'm regretting all this

Ha ha said the clown
as the king lost his crown
he's the knight being tight on romance
ha ha said the clown
is it bringing you down
that you've lost your chance

Time to go close the show
wave the people good-bye
grab my coat grab my hat
look that girl in the eye
where's your home what's your phone
number stop fooling around
could have died she replied
"I'm the wife of the clown"

Ha ha said the clown
as the king lost his crown
he's the knight being tight on romance
ha ha said the clown
is it bringing you down
that you've lost your chance

Ha ha said the clown
as the king lost his crown
he's the knight being tight on romance
ha ha said the clown
is it bringing you down
that you've lost your chance

18.07.2013. u 17:23   |   Prijavi nepoćudni blog   |   Dodaj komentar

kaj se skiraš, ak i nema nikoga, svi su te pročitali!!
mislim na zapis, a to kaj nema komentara to je pitanje razumijevanja istog ili nerazumjevanja!!

Autor: pakao   |   18.07.2013. u 18:41   |   opcije

a daaaj..a kad je količina komenta bila mjerilo?
sam ti tipkari:)

Autor: ladonna2   |   19.07.2013. u 14:09   |   opcije

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