Una, jedina, sama
Mislim da se vise nikad necu zaljubiti. Da li i za to postoji period u zivotu? Vreme kad nam se desava, a onda odjednom oguglamo? Ne znam. Nisam vise u stanju da osetim leptirice u stomaku, da imam tremu pre razgovora, isl. Sta je to sa mnom? Da li sam stara? Mozda sam postala suvise realna, a svet zaljubljenosti dosta lezi u prividima, idealizovanju. A i mozda sam nesvesno shvatila da zaljubljenost nije stvarna. Nije postojana. Jer iskustva pokazuju da se sve u jednom momentu rusi. I onda, povucena tim, ne verujem u ljubav. I don't believe in love, I never have, I never will. [...] She never was real. Kazu Queensryche u pesmi koju volim. Danas nesto ceo dan razmisljam na ovu temu. A cuh i pesmu u kojoj se prepoznah. Una, jedina, sama... Bono Vox kaze: Is it getting better Or do you feel the same Will it make it easier on you Now you got someone to blame You say One love One life When it’s one need In the night It’s one love We get to share it It leaves you baby If you don’t care for it Did I disappoint you? Or leave a bad taste in your mouth? You act like you never had love And you want me to go without Well it’s too late Tonight To drag tha past out into the light We’re one But we’re not the same We get to carry each other Carry each other One Have you come here for forgiveness Have you come to raise the dead Have you come here to play Jesus To the lepers in your head Did I ask too much More than a lot You gave me nothing Now it’s all I got We’re one But we’re not the same We hurt each other Then we do it again You say Love is a temple Love a higher law Love is a temple Love the higher law You ask me to enter But then you make me crawl And I can’t be holding on To what you got When all you got is hurtOne love One blood One life You got to do what you should One life With each other Sisters Brothers One life But we’re not the same We get to carry each other Carry each other One...One....
Una, jedina, sama...
03.02.2006. u 2:58 | Prijavi nepoćudni blog | Dodaj komentar
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